Monday, August 18, 2008

My first blog...evah!

I am at work right now, in a job with less responsibility than the one I had just out of undergrad 10 years ago; but, it pays over 1.5 times more money. Since that first "real" job out of school, I have gained 10 more years of experience and a Masters degree. Am I a failure? Professionally...the jury is still out. Personally...well, by virtue of the fact that I am always working on it...then no, I am not a failure. Spiritually...I have been told by many who know me well that I am spiritually and religiously intuitive and knowledgeable, but I know better. I know that knowledge and understanding of God and my relationship to/with God rests always on my horizon and therefore it is an endless journey with many pit-stops and detours along the way...a journey from which I will only find rest when "I rest in Thee."

And so, I find myself at a crossroads where personal, professional and spiritual paths meet. My personal life is headed toward very exciting adventures in a new city and in a new and final love; light is gradually beginning to grace my spiritual path as it begins to slowly renew itself after 4 years of darkness and dusk; finally, my professional life seems to be traveling in circles of rocky road that as far as I can tell is going nowhere, or nowhere I wish to be.

While many of my hours at work are filled with tasks (some challenging, many not...but all unfulfilling) I find that I have many precious but wasted minutes. Oh, I could email, obsess over my facebook, play solitaire or surf the web. None of these, though, would make me feel more satisfied after 8 hours of seemingly meaningless work.

But I am not only looking for a different way to pass the time, I am looking for a way to collect my thoughts, reflect on things that inspire me, anger me, make me contented with life, the workings of the world and my place in it. I am looking for an outlet to ask questions, because more often than not my thoughts end in a question mark.

And finally, I hope to eventually have these thoughts someone, anyone. I hope to inspire, anger, help someone else feel contented with life and question the world and their place in it. Will I succeed?

1 comment:

Pat's Musings said...

I'm 10 years and 5 months late responding to this your "first blog... evah!" but to answer your question, Yes you have and yes you are.