Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh, happy day!

I don't really have much to say...except that today is a good day! A little slow at work, and the air conditioning is not working...but today is a good day. I am loved by many people. Although money is tight this month, I have enough for food and shelter. I am relatively healthy. I spend 1/3 of my time at a job I do not find fulfilling, but I HAVE a job...and one that pays well enough. I am far from my family, but have a partner who is becoming my family and that will always support and love me. I am far from friends, but can call or write them anytime I need. I am disenchanted by the nature in which the Church and organizations that share my ideals are run, but that disenchantment has not quelled my motivation to remain active in the things I care about. I am happy! Happy to have my basic needs met. Happy to have a job. Happy to have people who love me. Happy to have passion that give me meaning. Happy to be able to go for long walks. Happy to see the beautiful things around me. Happy to hear my nephew's small voice. Happy to have someone to love. Happy to be alive and living. Oh, happy day.

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